Monday, April 09, 2007
somewhere a clock is ticking
Every now and then I write a little list of things I should spend my time doing. This usually happens late at night as thoughts of how I wasted yet more time that day race around my head, refusing to let me sleep.

Each time I start a new list, it seems to be longer than the last.

A glimpse at the most recent revision of this list:
Draw Todd and Penguin
Draw Taking Up Space
Draw Girl and Monster
Draw the unfinished super-secret comic project
Finish one of four books I have in various stages of completeness
Hell, finish a short story!
Learn to play my guitar
Set up my art desk, which I got for Christmas and have yet to find time to set up
Eat healthy
Work on my column
Redesign my web sites
Get my syndicate pack ready
Work on my column
Update this blog more often

Oh yeah, in a few weeks that entire list, which I am having great difficulty accomplishing more than a few items, will be superseded by a new item on the list -- the birth of my son.

My friends, most of whom have already had kids, tell me that kids change everything. They tell me to just go ahead and take my list, wad it up, and throw it away.... just be careful not to throw it on the floor where the baby may find it, tear it to shreds and then stick it in his left nostril, requiring me to race to the hospital to have it removed by surgeons.

I'm tired just thinking about it all.
Which is good, because right now, I need to sleep.

Maybe tomorrow, I will post something closer to actual content.
I'll add it to my list.


posted by Blogger Dad at 12:06 AM -
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About Me
Name: Blogger Dad
Florida, United States
About Me:
I was a reporter at a Florida newspaper, where I covered city politics and draw editorial comics. Now, I'm a Blogger Dad (click the link for my webpage - the blog on the bottom is for Todd and Penguin) in search of a job and attempting to write a book or four. I'm also a cartoonist, how most of you know me, who draws Todd and Penguin, Taking Up Space and the occasional other titles, featured on I'm married (sorry, all you ladies interested in overweight guys who spend too much time drawing) and have a one year old son and two cats. Three of the above mentioned poop way too much!
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