Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Update and a cool comic
A new Todd and Penguin and Taking Up Space is posted now.

Watching Robert Downey Jr. on Letterman. Can't wait to see Iron Man. One of my favorite comics back in the day when comics were affordable for kids. I challenge ANYONE who doesn't pull down some serious money to follow any Marvel title these days. With 15 different spinoffs from each title, crossovers, and all that, comics are no longer something your average kid can follow... which is a shame.

Speaking of comics, I stumbled upon a GREAT comic last week. If you enjoy Taking Up Space, then Calamaties of Nature is right up your alley.

That's it for now. I'll post some pictures Wednesday.
posted by Blogger Dad at 12:11 AM -
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About Me
Name: Blogger Dad
Florida, United States
About Me:
I was a reporter at a Florida newspaper, where I covered city politics and draw editorial comics. Now, I'm a Blogger Dad (click the link for my webpage - the blog on the bottom is for Todd and Penguin) in search of a job and attempting to write a book or four. I'm also a cartoonist, how most of you know me, who draws Todd and Penguin, Taking Up Space and the occasional other titles, featured on I'm married (sorry, all you ladies interested in overweight guys who spend too much time drawing) and have a one year old son and two cats. Three of the above mentioned poop way too much!
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