Thursday, April 12, 2007
Two posts in one night??

I'm sure many of you have already heard about apparent plagiarist Todd Goldman ripping off Dave Kelly's comic, Purple Pussy (as well as several other artists, it would seem). If not, go read the first post in this thread (which is now at about 9,000,000 pages).

Needless to say, many people are quite rightfully pissed off at Goldman.

Scott Kurtz over at PVP had a good idea... webcomic authors ought to shame Goldman, by using the image in question.

I thought it was a good idea and used it in this Taking Up Space.
posted by Blogger Dad at 12:11 AM -
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Name: Blogger Dad
Florida, United States
About Me:
I was a reporter at a Florida newspaper, where I covered city politics and draw editorial comics. Now, I'm a Blogger Dad (click the link for my webpage - the blog on the bottom is for Todd and Penguin) in search of a job and attempting to write a book or four. I'm also a cartoonist, how most of you know me, who draws Todd and Penguin, Taking Up Space and the occasional other titles, featured on I'm married (sorry, all you ladies interested in overweight guys who spend too much time drawing) and have a one year old son and two cats. Three of the above mentioned poop way too much!
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