Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Battle cats
Anyone know a good cat trainer?
I've seen the "dog whisperer" on TV and even interviewed a woman for my newspaper who has had great success training dogs. Cats, though, are another story.

It began a week ago, when Boy Cat, (the fat orange one on the left) age 2 and Girl Cat, age 9, began for no reason whatsoever to go all Mortal Kombat on each other.

It was early morning, when the cats were near the litterbox and one of them got spooked and they began going at it, howling, hissing, scowling and we separated them, putting Girl Cat in our bedroom.

This isn't the first time they have gone to battle. They had two similar incidents last year, where they had standoffs that lasted a few days before they started cuddling together again as if they never were at war.... weirdos.

This is the longest such a fight has lasted.

Tonight, after reading online that such things are probably dominant Alpha Cat issues which need to be settled between them before they get along again, we decided to just let them howl it out.

Boy Cat started off aggressive, jumping on her, but Girl Cat howled back, backing Boy Cat down, where he let out some whimpy whines interspersed with scowls. However, his timidity was short-lived.

An hour later when Girl Cat was resting her eyes, he jumped on her, and she REALLY started to howl, and they tussled for a moment before Boy Cat ran away, limping as if he hurt himself (probably just his pride).

After that, Girl Cat became emboldened, standing her ground, as he ran and hid under the dining room table.

While I thought maybe I should let them finish this thing off once and for all, there was the small matter that she hadn't had any food or water in a while, and she won't let down her guard enough to eat at the communal cat dish, so I picked her up and brought to the bedroom for the night, where she can relax, eat and drink normally.... and maybe even use the litter box. Since this fight began, she hasn't gone too many times.

So if anyone has any cat advice to pass out, feel free to respond or email me from
posted by Blogger Dad at 11:28 PM -
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Name: Blogger Dad
Florida, United States
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I was a reporter at a Florida newspaper, where I covered city politics and draw editorial comics. Now, I'm a Blogger Dad (click the link for my webpage - the blog on the bottom is for Todd and Penguin) in search of a job and attempting to write a book or four. I'm also a cartoonist, how most of you know me, who draws Todd and Penguin, Taking Up Space and the occasional other titles, featured on I'm married (sorry, all you ladies interested in overweight guys who spend too much time drawing) and have a one year old son and two cats. Three of the above mentioned poop way too much!
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